Art Retreat at The PrairieArt Retreat by the BeachArt Retreat in the Desert

Monday, January 30, 2012

Registration opened this morning, and, apart from a few minor glitches (which I have corrected!), I have been receiving reservations constantly all morning! I’m thrilled that there is so much interest in Art Retreat at The Prairie! I know that you will love what I have in store for you this April!

Be sure to visit each of the links on Art Retreat at The Prairie’s website. There’s so much information that I have included about classes, class fees, kit fees, supplies lists, travel, meals, accommodations, etc., etc., etc.

Please note that accommodations are not included in the cost of the retreat.

I have listed three recommendations for you in the area. Of course, there are other lovely bed-and-breakfasts as well ~ I can vouch for these three because I have either stayed at each of them over the years or have visited them and can assure you that they are charming and pristine clean! 

Let me know if there are any specific questions or concerns I can address for you.
I’ll reply just as quickly as I can!
Check out the info about Vivi Magoo Presents...
Art Retreat at The Prairie

Registration will open 
6:00 AM 
Monday, January 30, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Art Retreat at The Prairie
Registration opens on Monday!
I’m very excited about opening up Registration ~ and a teeny bit scared as well
I wonder who will sign up....I wonder what new friendships await....
I wonder how everyone will like The Prairie....
I wonder if everyone will like their accommodations....
I wonder what the weather will be like....
I wonder....I wonder....I wonder....
I hope....I hope....I hope....

My goals are simple for this retreat....That you simply.... 
*be inspired by the instructors
*be inspired by the other creative souls in attendance
*learn new techniques and skills
*create beautiful pieces of jewelry
*make new friends
*connect and bond in a deep and personal way with those around you
*anxiously await the next retreat and the opportunity to reunite with your art-sisters 

I look forward to this journey together with you!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Giveaway is over and Rafflecopter picked a winner! Thank you all for participating! I hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me! I’m already planning my next one ;o}

Congratulations to Sandi T., the lucky new owner of my handmade necklace! 
An email is on the way to you, Sandi, and as soon as I receive your address, I’ll be sending this little beauty on its way!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Everything is set and ready for Art Retreat at The Prairie, April 26th through April 28th. I am opening registration on Monday morning, January 30th at 6:00 am Arizona time. There are a limited number of spots available for each of the classes, so I encourage you to register early!

Besides registering for the classes, you’ll note on the Registration Form that I have included an option for a meal plan. Since The Prairie is a little remote (!), I don’t want any students having to take time away from creating to find lunch or dinner in a neighboring town, so I’ve made arrangements with restaurateurs in the area to bring our meals to us! Salads and sandwiches for lunch....Delicious dinners each evening! Yum! I’ll post more information about all of this as we get along in the process.

Happy Thursday!


Monday, January 23, 2012

Giveaway Update!

Well! I’ve had an overwhelming response to my Giveaway! So many compliments ~ makes a girl’s head spin! I’m glad you all love the necklace so much! Makes me happy to be giving it away to someone who will cherish it as much as I ;o}
Only two days left in the raffle!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hurry and enter! Remember, to be eligible, you need to follow Rafflecopter’s prompts ~ Like my blog, leave a comment there, and Like Facebook and Twitter for additional entries ~ all through Rafflecopter. I don’t want anyone to miss out who would like to participate!

I’m feverishly working on all of the details for Art Retreat at The Prairie in April! When Registration opens later this week, I’ll have suggestions for lodging (not everyone can stay at The Prairie ~ there aren’t enough beds ~ register early if you want to have the best chance of getting a spot there), and, since The Prairie is quite remote, I’m offering a meal plan for those students who don’t want to worry about bringing anything or leaving campus to find lunch or dinner each day. I’ll have driving directions available from Houston, Austin and Dallas ~ When I travel there, I fly into Austin, rent a car and drive to Round Top. It’s about an hour’s drive or so ~ It’s an easy drive with plenty of pretty scenery!

Registration will have an opportunity for you to purchase your meal plan and, if you are interested in eating breakfast with us at The Prairie and aren’t a registered guest, you can purchase breakfast reservations there for one or more mornings.

Rachel Ashwell operates a store on the Prairie property, and it will be open for us to shop while we are there! You’ll love all of her pretty things ~ she’s such an inspiring designer! Visit her website and blog to meet her if you haven’t done so already!

Until next time!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Classes with Deryn Mentock at The Prairie

Wax On
Hi everyone...Deryn Mentock, here...

I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be teaching, this April, at Barb Solem's brand new art venue, Art Retreat at The Prairie!

If you've never heard of The Prairie, you're in for a treat. Let me tell you a little bit about it... It's near beautiful Round Top, Texas, and owned by the incomparable, Queen of Shabby Chic, Rachel Ashwell. Rachel is famous for her gorgeous taste in interior design. I swear, she could make a rusty post look like something special. The Prairie is a dream come true for her so, you can imagine what it's like. It's the perfect venue for an art retreat and Barb has done a fabulous job of bringing it to us, here in Texas.

I'll be teaching three different classes at The Prairie...

Wax On

Back by popular demand, is my Wax On class. I had such fun teaching this one last fall...and the students loved it. I'll show you how to create your own bezel pendant, from scratch. Then we'll fill it with a surprise + wax (as if that's not surprising enough!)

A Charming Reliquary

A Charming Reliquary is one of my new classes. This is bracelet that I've wanted to teach for about five years, now, but it just never quite came together as a class, so I'm super excited to offer it here...for the first time. I'll be covering tons of cold connection technique in this class so hold onto your cowgirl hats!


My Entrada bracelet is also a brand new class that I'm so looking forward to teaching. For this one, I'll show you how to make an amazing, large clasp with a bezel, set with a stone. It has a stylish, dramatic look and it's as much fun to make as it is to wear.

To celebrate her inaugural event, Barb is giving away this lovely bit of here for details:

Also, make sure you check out her other events...The Beach, The Desert...for upcoming details!

Please, tell your friends and...come.

I hope to see you in class!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Classes at The Prairie

"Crystal Confetti"
Hi, it's Diane Cook.
I'm dropping by to invite you to hop over to The Art Retreat at The Prairie
where you'll see that Barb has been adding the classes we will be offering for the jewelry retreat this April.
It is there you will read the full class description for one of my newest classes called
In this class I will share my creative process for adding some of my favorite components together to design a one of a kind necklace.
I often will begin my designs using a perfectly chosen vintage rhinestone ear bob, 
and that is exactly what we will do in this class.
We will then be adding what I call confetti to design a necklace that you will love to wear.
This is also a new class of mine, and will be my first time to teach a two day class.
Two days will allow you to have much more time to explore and perfect this technique, allowing you to finally take home a completed piece or two, 
or maybe more.
I do hope you can join me for one of these two classes.
But wait...there's more ;)
Barb is having a GIVEAWAY that you won't want to miss!  You can scroll down to the post below to see all the details, or you can just hit the link here.
All this to celebrate as she opens registration to the premier art event of the year
Art Retreat at The Prairie
P.S.....Be sure and follow along here at Vivi Magoo Presents,
as it is HERE where ALL the news for the upcoming retreats begin......

Monday, January 16, 2012


I am excited to announce my first giveaway!  
One lucky blog follower will receive this handmade necklace from Vivi Magoo Designs...

It is approximately 22” long and is a mix of vintage and new crystals, beads and findings.  And the pièce de résistance?  A fabulous vintage rhinestone brooch.  
A true mix of something old, something new!

And now for the fine print:
This giveaway is hosted through Rafflecopter.  Please use the embedded widget below to enter.  
  • The winner must be a follower of Vivi Magoo Presents blog.  Leave a comment confirming you are a follower and automatically receive 3 entries.
  • Like Vivi Magoo Presents page on Facebook and receive 2 more entries.
  • Follow @ViviMagoo on Twitter and receive another entry.
The more you do, the better your chances of winning!

The giveaway runs from Monday, January 16th at 12:01am EST through Thursday, January 26th at 12:01am EST.

***If you can’t see the Rafflecopter widget below, click <Read More> to expand the post and submit your entries!***

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Did you happen to gaze at Rachel Ashwell’s, The Prairie, website? Such a beautiful spot for creative souls to meet and create!

Rachel also has a blog that she hosts ~ you should definitely pop over there and read it! She’s a dynamite person! Lovely inside and out, and such a committed businesswoman! She has had her ups-and-downs and survives and excels in spite of adversity ~

There are two sessions that will be offered at The Prairie this spring ~ one in April and one in May. Diane Cook and Deryn Mentock will be teaching jewelry design classes in April 2012.


If you know them, you know they will be coming up with something fantastically beautiful to teach their students! If you don’t know them, hop on over to their blogs and meet them ~ You will be amazed at these women! 

Registration information, schedule of events, links to The Prairie and Round Top, Texas will be coming soon!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Do you know anything about Round Top, Texas? It’s the cutest, quaintest little town of about 87 residents! During Antiques Week twice a year, it swells with antiques dealers, interior designers, shoppers and girlfriends out to have some fun for the week! I found Round Top about ten years ago when I went to buy merchandise for my antiques business that I owned and ran at the time. I’ve made so many wonderful friends over the years that I return twice a year during the shows, not necessarily to buy but rather to visit all my friends who meet there from all points around the country.

Last spring, after coming home from Spring Antiques Week, I began thinking that this would be a perfect spot to host an art retreat Suddenly, I was scheduling dates, negotiating contracts, selecting instructors, and the rest is history! Vivi Magoo Presents and the Art Retreats in TexasCalifornia, and Arizona were born! Everything is coming together without any hiccups ~ I take this as a sign that it was meant to be, and I’m  fulfilling some sort of universal destiny with this project!

If you decide to sign up to attend the jewelry design classes in April and/or September or the mixed media classes in May or October at Art Retreat at The Prairie, you’ll fall in love with this little slice of heaven too! 

visit the Round Top Chamber of Commerce to see what you’re missing!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Just thought I’d check in and let you know what’s been happening at Vivi Magoo Presents. 

Lots of behind-the-scenes meetings and planning sessions with...

G-men (yikes!)

Who knew that this new adventure would take so much time and attention to get it right! 


But, get it right I must, so I am being diligent and paying attention to all of the details that will make Vivi Magoo and all of the retreats successful! 
When really....
All I want to do is get fabulous instructors scheduled and open registration for y’all! 

Not my strongest suit when I have a vision and a plan....