Art Retreat at The PrairieArt Retreat by the BeachArt Retreat in the Desert

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Much of my inspiration is not premeditated, 
(I suppose inspiration always most often comes that way)
so when IT happens I still get all tingly inside & out.
Right now I am joyfully involved in my first ever online class that began 
last Wednesday at Artful Gathering.
But with all that to keep me busy, yesterday I began to focus on my little trip to California, which is coming up quicker than I can imagine.
In a little less than 2 weeks, I will be teaching  three classes at 
One of which, is Heart Strings.
 So, as I feed my students at AG tidbits of inspiration,
maybe with the latest stash of recycled sari silk that's arrived in the mail...
  I magically find some myself.  What a bonus....
  I had no idea when I found these gorgeous vintage rhinestone watch bezels in an Etsy dealer's shop, that I might be using them in my next Heart Strings piece.
All three of them are more than gorgeous to me, and so very missing a rhinestone baguette, and its crystal.
But, then I remembered a watch I've had tucked away since my step-mother's passing quite a few years ago.
It was the watch she always wore.  A lovely Bulova, with a sprinkle of tiny diamonds on each side of the face.
 It has been safely tucked away with many other pieces of vintage jewelry I have bought.
This one is more important to me though, as it was Jewel's.
Just this last January, I had a small group of ladies come to my house to design their very own Heart Strings.
One, which has become a wonderful new friend, Bridget, used watch bezels in her Heart Strings, along with a vintage ID bracelet.  The watch bezel was from her father's watch.
I blogged about the class here, and then just a week (or so) later we got together and she had her finished necklace along to show me.
It really touched my heart.
I do hope to see some of you (in person) in just a couple of weeks in Coronado.
The venue is gorgeous, and no doubt, Barb will have goodies for everyone.
The classes are small.
I have begun to love small classes.  
So much more intimate, 
and so much more time for talking and spending time with you....
See you Coronado, I hope! 


  1. I hope you'll be teach again in Coronado as I can't make it this time!!!


    1. I do too Marsha! Barb so wants this venue to be successful, and this time around will certainly tell us a lot =)

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