Much of my inspiration is not premeditated,
(I suppose inspiration always most often comes that way)
so when IT happens I still get all tingly inside & out.
Right now I am joyfully involved in my first ever online class that began
with all that to keep me busy, yesterday I began to focus on my little
trip to California, which is coming up quicker than I can imagine.
In a little less than 2 weeks, I will be teaching three classes at
So, as I feed my students at AG tidbits of inspiration,
maybe with the latest stash of recycled sari silk that's arrived in the mail...
I magically find some myself. What a bonus....
I had no idea when I found these gorgeous vintage rhinestone watch
bezels in an Etsy dealer's shop, that I might be using them in my next
Heart Strings piece.
All three of them are more than gorgeous to me, and so very missing a rhinestone baguette, and its crystal.
But, then I remembered a watch I've had tucked away since my step-mother's passing quite a few years ago.
It was the watch she always wore. A lovely Bulova, with a sprinkle of tiny diamonds on each side of the face.
It has been safely tucked away with many other pieces of vintage jewelry I have bought.
This one is more important to me though, as it was Jewel's.
Just this last January, I had a small group of ladies come to my house to design their very own Heart Strings.
One, which has become a wonderful new friend,
Bridget, used watch bezels in her
Heart Strings, along with a vintage ID bracelet. The watch bezel was from her father's watch.
I blogged about the class
here, and then just a week (or so) later we got together and she had her finished necklace along to show me.
It really touched my heart.
I do hope to see some of you (in person) in just a couple of weeks in Coronado.
The venue is gorgeous, and no doubt, Barb will have goodies for everyone.
The classes are small.
I have begun to love small classes.
So much more intimate,
and so much more time for talking and spending time with you....
See you Coronado, I hope!